
We are proud of our parent participation. Many parents participate daily in various school activities. We encourage parents to volunteer. Under current state law, volunteers are required to have Criminal History Check, Child Abuse, and FBI clearances. A percentage of the cost for clearances (50% for the first 50 parents) will be paid by WPACES with a required commitment of serving 50 hours. Parents wishing to volunteer must contact the school office in advance of their coming to assist. The key to student success is the active participation of parents in the school.

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meetings


The PTO actively supports the school’s instructional program and enhances community relations. The PTO sponsors yearly fundraisers, special events, and helps to subsidize field trips and other student activities.

WPACES parents have the responsibility for:

1. Making certain that their child attends school daily, on time and prepared
2. Being knowledgeable of the school, classroom, and homework policies

3. Providing a quiet place at home to study

4. Assisting their child in balancing their extra-curricular activities with school assignments

5. Checking the child’s assignments each evening through dialogue and the school website

6. Encouraging independent reading each evening

7. Reporting all concerns regarding assignments and assessments

8. Providing a regular study time

9. Equipping their child with the necessary tools for success

10. Encouraging and supporting compliance with WPACES conduct code

11. Becoming involved in all aspects of their child’s school life

12. Maintaining contact with the school

13. Joining the Parent Teachers Organization (PTO) and attending school meetings